Well just under a month to go until Coronet Peak opens and waddya going to do? Twiddle your thumbs? Course not when the Peak is looking this slim.
Blue blue may days and buzz, marianne and i took of across the Lake to scale Walter Peak - all 1500 metres of it.
Brill jetboat trip across the Lake (thanks Henry) , fantastic hike across some classic high country terrain (thanks Lloyd the Walter Peak Station recreation manager for giving us permission) and a critical little 200 metre final crux pitch just to get the heart beat really going (coming down even more exciting) and this is the result.

my foot and walter peak station 1200 metres below

Queenstown from walter peak

The top.
And whats that all got to do with skiing? Well the long steep downhill munched up the thighs and all I could think was ....... "that's going to help on opening day !"